The green iguana (Iguana Iguana Iguana) is an herbivorous, arboreal lizard that inhabits the Neotropical regions of Mexico, Central, and parts of South America. It is wonderfully adapted to this environment and fills an important role in its ecological niche.
Keeping an iguana in captivity is challenging and a commitment not to be taken lightly. And depending on what part of the world you live in can be a costly endeavor. The iguana is an unusual pet, but the rewards of keeping an iguana healthy and socialized are unlike any you experience with a usual pet.
Iguanas have not been kept in captivity long enough to have become domesticated. So they really are wild animals that we keep in our houses! One of the incredible things about iguanas is that they can be tamed. The majority of iguanas kept as pets have adapted to their captive life.
Captive iguana husbandry starts with understanding their natural habitat and trying to recreate that as much as possible. Creating a tropical rainforest is pretty much impossible, especially if you live in an area like Minnesota! That’s the costly part. But to keep an iguana healthy, it’s essential to follow the FELTS system. Each element is dependant on the other to create the type of mini ecosystem that will keep your iguana healthy and happy.