I can’t stress this enough. The green iguana is an herbivore, and it is throughout its entire life. Many studies have now proven conclusively that they do not eat insects or animal protein in their diet. Not including the occasional bug that might be unfortunate enough to be on the leaf at the same time the iguana chomps on it. There have been discussions of sightings of an iguana who consumed a small animal, but it was never determined if this was indeed the green iguana. Other species of iguana are omnivore such as the Cyclura. The green iguana is not adapted to eating high levels of Phosphorus. I have heard the reasoning that iguanas need bugs or animal matter for the protein. Insects such as crickets and mealworms have a very high level of Phosphorus. The nutritional makeup is 1:30 Calcium to Phosphorus. The ideal blood chemistry for the green iguana is 2:1 Ca to p. Too much protein and phosphorus are damaging to the kidneys. A diet high in phosphorus and protein only leads to serious health problems and premature death.
For more information on feeding go to FAQ # 2. "What do they eat?"
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